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Mike Wells was in the Department of Biochemistry in the College of Medicine in September of 1967 when I started working there. He was quiet and hard working, and at that time he looked "too young to be a professor". So, he did something about it: He let his hair grow (it was about an inch long before), and his beard reached a nice length fast. Visitors to the department or grad students interested in his work were forever looking for "the professor" but walked right by him because he looked so young. Dr. Wells was extremely smart in his field as well as other areas and maintained his "no-nonsense" attitude to everything he encountered. He was certainly one of a kind and will be greatly missed. --Christa Sitz

The Young Professor

A quiet moment with
Kim and Marshall

Mike, reading to Michael and Kristine

Halloween: Mary as a pumpkin and
Mike as a covalent bond

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics | University of Arizona
Manduca Project | Biology Project | UBRP | General Biology Program | CIS

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